Microsoft Windows and Office are free for use on University-owned computers.
Faculty and full-time staff members are eligible to install the MS Office desktop apps on up to five computers. You can download installers for Windows/Mac here:
After installing, activate the software by logging into your UofT account.
Do not sign in to Office apps on a computer that someone else has access to, because your sign-in provides access to your personal email, files, and other data. For multi-user computers (on-campus, University-owned), a different version of office can be installed that doesn’t require a personal sign-in. Contact BIOTA for details.
More about UofT’s Microsoft tools here:
The Office 365 team has made the Microsoft Word RefWorks Citation Manager add-in available to all current students, staff and faculty. RefWorks is a citation management tool that allows users to keep track of the citations used in their research.
To install the RefWorks add-in, users should follow the installation instructions on this page. A full RefWorks user guide from UTL can be found here.